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Chemistry Professors Christine Isborn, Liang Shi, Mike Colvin and Hrant Hratchian
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Christine Isborn, Liang Shi, Mike Colvin and Hrant Hratchian model structure, properties, reactivity, and spectroscopy of molecules and complex systems using...
Professor Anne Kelley
Anne Kelley's Group
uses raman scattering to study the energetics and properties of molecules, materials and nanocrystals. 
Findlater lab
Organometallic chemistry empowers the understanding of chemical reactions and the synthesis of new functional molecules
The Organic and Organometallic division at UC Merced has a strong background in physical organic chemistry, materials chemistry, and synthetic organometallic chemistry and catalysis that empowers the...
Professor Ryan Baxter
Advancing Organic Chemistry Education
Chemistry Professor Ryan Baxter received a CAREER award from NSF to help advance his lab’s work developing new strategies for initiating radical chemical reactions to engineer mild...
Sukenik Lab
How Does the Cellular Environment Affect Biomolecular Function?
Professor Shahar Sukenik, center, with graduate students Eduardo Flores and Karina Guadalupe, investigate intrinsically disordered proteins, part of the biochemistry and molecular biophysics research...


Our research programs range from studying how HIV targets cells and the chemical origins of life to visualizing chemical reactions and improving solar cell efficiencies. Our faculty members are committed to excellence in research and instruction, and have won a variety of awards at regional, national and international levels. 


Featured News

Nearly 140 faculty and students from universities across the nation attended the three-day conference MERCURY held at UC Merced
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UC Merced was the site of the 22nd Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate computational chemistRY (MERCURY) Conference held in mid-July. “MERCURY is delighted to have the...

Professor Ajay Gopinathan and CCBM Executive Director Carrie Kouadio
April 23, 2024

The National Science Foundation awarded a team, led by principal investigators Professor Ajay Gopinathan and Carrie Kouadio, funding to establish a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (...

April 12, 2024

Three UC Merced graduate students and two undergraduate alumni were recently offered fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). UC Merced’s...

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